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Image by Jac Alexandru

Do you have questions before you schedule your free 20-minute phone consultation?


Who do you work with?

  • I work with sex addicts who want to be free from the sexual behaviors that hurt them and those they love.

  • I work with partners who need to heal and recover from discovering their spouse is a sex addict.

  • I work with couples who need practical coaching on how to move forward in recovery together. 

How will we meet?

For those in the North Augusta, SC (CSRA) area, coaching sessions will be in person at a private location.

I am able to meet people from all over the world through video conference call.

What’s the difference between individual coaching and couples coaching?

Ideally speaking, if married or in a serious relationship, the addict will work a recovery plan through individual coaching in addition to the partner working their own recovery plan through partner's coaching.  Couples coaching isn't required, but there are times when it is helpful to have both parties present in coaching to make sure all are clear about the recovery plan.  Couple's coaching sessions are less frequent than the individual coaching sessions.  I find it is helpful to do one session together as you start your recovery and then schedule one again in a few months a based on how your individual recovery plans are going or by your request according to your need.

How long will I/we need to be in coaching?

There is no way to set an exact time because every individual and every couple presents with their own unique needs and circumstances. How long it takes for you to accomplish your goals depends on your desire for personal development, your commitment, and the factors that are driving you to seek help in the first place. My goal is for you to reach your goals and to be able to maintain the progress without relapsing back to the old patterns that brought you to coaching in the first place.  

How often will we meet?

We can discuss this during your first session, however, it is important to remember, by meeting on a consistent weekly schedule, you will see greater progress. Creating desired change requires work. Replacing destructive behaviors is dependent on learning new behaviors. For the new behavior to be established it will take regular consistent practice and repetition. In other words, it’s best to meet weekly.  As time goes on and the addict maintains sobriety, it may be appropriate to have less frequent coaching sessions.  It is possible to move to bi-weekly and then monthly individual sessions.  My goal is not to have you dependent on coaching the rest of your life.  If I do my job properly I will give you the tools you need to coach yourself, though some clients even after they have reached sobriety for years may want to do quarterly tune-up sessions.    

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaching is more focused on achieving your future goals while therapy is more about exploring past trauma related to mental health.  As a coach I am not treating your mental health.  I am nationally certified, but am not required to maintain a license by the state where I reside like a therapist is required to do.  If mental health issues come up that you would like do address I am happy to help you find a quality therapist.  Not all therapists have expertise in sexual addiction, so it's important that you make an informed choice in finding a therapist who understands your specific needs.  Click here for more information on these differences.

What certifications do you have?

I have several American Association of Sex Addiction Therapy (AASAT) certifications, including Sexual Recovery Coach, Intimacy Anorexia Recovery Coach, Partners Recovery Coach, and Partner Betrayal Trauma Recovery Coach.  I am a level 1 and 2 Nationally Certified Recovery Coach​ (NCRC 1, NCRC2) as well as a Nationally Certified Sex Addiction Coach (NCSAC) through The Addictions Academy. I am a certified Prepare/Enrich Facilitator.  I am certified as a Mental Health First Responder through Light University and am a member of the American Association of Christian Couselors.  I am also an ordained minister.  

Do you take insurance?

As I am not a medical or state-licensed therapist or counselor I do not take insurance.

What are the recovery groups like?

Recovery groups are closed work groups that you can find support and accountability from others in your situation.  These groups are gender specific and meet online at a dedicated time weekly.  These groups are confidential and since everyone in the group is in a similar situation you find compassion, understanding, and sympathy within them.  My groups also heavily emphasize doing the recovery work.  There are weekly checkins so that members are accountable for working their recovery plan and feedback is offered.  


If there are not any openings in one of my online groups or you prefer to go to an in-person one, I will help you find a similar group online or in your area.


Our desire at Greenway Recovery is to see individuals and families healed from the bondage of sexual addiction.


‪Telephone: (803) 426-9186‬


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